Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sunday Naps

Hey there, Salem

I just put you down for your nap. We read the typical dinosaur books today, but I mixed in a story about a puppy on Christmas and another nostalgic book I found. You weren't totally asleep after the dinos and puppies, so I flipped through the pages of one of those photo album books your grandfather put together. This one was called 'Salem 2022', and it really got to me today. You're growing up so fast, my guy, and somehow writing helps me to feel like I'm capturing a moment before it slips away from me. 

You fell asleep on my shoulder while we were whispering names of dinosaurs, and for a few minutes I dozed off too. In those beautiful moments I feel like we are far away in outer space, or deep in the jungle somewhere. It's just the two of us, and time stands still for a little while. 

I've always loved the passing of time. I'm not overly sad about thinking of you as a bigger version of you, because you are growing and changing every day. I can feel it in the way you talk, and I can see it in the way you play at the playground. You're generous with other children, and you are so sweet to the shy kids. It seems like you have the most beautiful personality. You make friends so easily.

Yet, here I am in this gorgeous moment, just holding you on the side of my arm while you dream of dinosaurs and monster trucks. The world is a big happy place for you with lots of curious things around every corner. You're starting to ask multiple questions about things. You remember everything, even the name of your street and your city. I can see you beginning to realize that this world is much larger than you once imagined. Believe me, it only gets bigger and bigger from here!

I just wanted to pop in and write a few words to catch this beautiful Sunday afternoon nap while I struggle to begin grading papers (or whatever it is I do, lol). Your mom and I are so proud of you, and we love being your mommy and daddy. I'm here for you, my little guy, and I will always be a part of you just as you are a part of me, and just as we are all a part of everything. Your soul and my soul are deeply and closely connected. It feels like I've known you my whole life, but only met you about three years ago when you were about to be born. Gosh, I remember the first time I saw you, and even more so the first time I saw your eyes. You have the most beautiful dark eyes. 

It seems I'm rambling again, and I'm not even sure you will ever find this. But, when you do, just know that your daddy was very happy when he wrote this. Thank you for being my son. When you were up in that cosmic void, floating around with all the others, you chose me. I'll forever be grateful for that.

Love you, my son


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