Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Carpathia Park

Hi Salem,

It's a gorgeous day. The leaves on the trees are showing their true colors, and right on time. You're currently at the playground by my old elementary school spending time with Grandma, and it suddenly makes me excited just writing those words. That place brings back a lot of memories, so pardon me while I indulge in some nostalgia.

When I was growing up, that place used to have a different playground. It was in the same spot but it was made of aging wood that kind made it look like a heavily-weathered fortress. My friends and I used to run our imaginations wild near that fortress pretending that we were various characters from video games. We had imaginary swords and powerful fireballs that protected us from all kinds of bad guys. Our bikes were like airships, dragons, or other legendary vehicles that could carry you from town to town and across the seas through a far-off land of fantasies. We used to come up with names for our characters and score their hit points, magic and other stats that we would use to battle enormous and terrifying monsters as final bosses. 

It makes me smile so happily to think of you swinging on the swings at that playground like Grandma described over the phone. Will you see anything like that in your mind's eye when you remember growing up? Will you even remember this day? Probably not in the detail your grandmother will, but I'm sure that somewhere in there you will know that the entire world is a lot more fun with a vivid imagination. I mean, that's just my perspective of it, and I'm totally aware that others don't see the world with the same desire to dabble in fantasy. I'm just happy that you're there right now, and I can't wait to see you when you come home. 



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