Thursday, November 3, 2022

My Hobbit

Happy Halloween Salem!

So, just two short days ago you got to see your first real Halloween. Last year was a bit slow because of COVID and all that, but this year was truly something special. I loved watching your face light up to see all the costumes, especially the dinosaurs, as they came passing by our house. We went trick-or-treating too and it was really fun!

I wanted to take a minute from this day (any given Wednesday) and just say 'hi' to you. You're growing so fast, my guy. I can't even keep track of how quickly you're learning to speak in full sentences. I thought I'd be able to grab hold of these things and document all of it, but you're faster than I can keep up with! I'm so proud of you, my sweet boy. You really make this journey awesome.

Salem, your dad used to wander all around the world. When I look back on this now it seems like a story, but this is a story that I would like to share with you. There are certain things I'm good at and others which I am not, but one thing I have learned well is how to travel. The world is an endlessly interesting place, and to my mom (your grandmother) it was like a big unknown place that kept her worried about me day and night. I feel that now, but I promise I'll be supportive if you ever feel the need to travel very far away. Even though the thought of being away from you pains my heart, I know that one day you'll need to find you're own way through this world, and I want you to know you will always have my love and support to take with you wherever you may go.

Sometimes I think back on my life and realize that I've been a lot of different people. This guy who you get to know now is, in many ways, very different than a person he used to be. I have learned a lot, but it seems like the more I learn, the more I realize how much more there is to take in from this worldly experience called life. I mean, I can't lie to you.. I found exactly what I was looking for in this life the moment you were born. I knew deep inside myself that this was the happiest I would ever feel, and to this day I have never changed that level of happiness one bit. I wake up every day excited to be part of your world, and every night before we fall asleep I whisper to myself a few words of thanks. I hope you learn that gratitude one day, and I hope you never forget where it comes from. 

I love you dude,


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