Friday, June 9, 2023

Magic Bug

When I was a child, I had an imaginary friend named Magic Bug. In my mind he looked strikingly similar to the Cheerio's bee, but for whatever reason only I could see him. We used to make soup together.

My grandparents had a decently sized bay window in their living room where I would sit watching little dust particles dance in the sunlight, the ones that only little kids can see. I used to gather them and make soup, for whatever reason (I was like four years old), but I needed a helper. That's where Magic Bug came in.

My imaginary friend came on long road trips with me. Back when my feet couldn't reach all the way, Magic Bug would help me make our cosmic soup on the floor of the car in the backseat. I remember the beams of light shining through the window when the sun was setting. It was always full of fairy dust, one of the key ingredients in our soup. One of the other main ingredients was rainwater, but we didn't get to make that soup during every car ride. However, when we did, the trick was to catch droplets of rain gathering on the window with your hand (reaching out and pretending, not actually touching the window) before the windshield wiper blades take them away and push them into oblivion. Sometimes they changed colors when we passed under traffic lights, red and green, and from the right angle you can even see the reflections of brake lights.

Mom and Dad are driving in the front and I'm watching the light make funny looking shapes around the interior of the car. I'm not alone. I have my friend Magic Bug and tonight we are making soup.

I also had a bike named Salad, but that's a different story.

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